
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

CA SiteMinder Admins Guide to ForgeRock OpenAM: Part 4- Install, configure IIS Agent, and create Authorization Policy

Recently I joined ForgeRock as a senior consultant. After almost 15 years in the ops and integration world, working with SiteMinder, a bunch of peers have been asking me how SiteMinder compares to OpenAM and how they differ. So, now as a fully biased ForgeRock employee, I am documenting the process of translating that SiteMinder suite knowledge into OpenAM.

Part 4 - The Basics - Integrating a sample web site

Download the OpenAM Web Policy Agent from here:

This is a pretty big blog entry. However, each portion if not completed together isn’t as helpful. These are the steps required to integrate a sample web site with OpenAM. This will leverage a simple authorization policy allowing ‘authenticated users’ access to a ‘member’ page. The steps will follow as:
Create Authorization Policy
Create Agent profile
Configure Agent settings
Configure Authentication settings
Install IIS Agent

This assumes you have followed the previous steps and having a working OpenAM server. This blog will focus on creating a policy and installing and configuring an IIS agent. 

In this example, we will protect a simple html page on IIS. There is a protected page on /app/ that we want protected. The landing page will be at “/index.html”. From there, we will click on the member link which will send us to /app/home.html. (unprotected) (authorized by policy)

*Major note of difference in philosophy from SiteMinder to OpenAM*
When you install a SiteMinder Web Agent and enable it, it will not deny any access by default. Policy is required in order to protect any URLs. It follows a blacklisting philosophy. All is allowed unless blocked by policy. 

When you install a OpenAM Web Agent it is enabled by default and blocks access; redirecting to the openAM login URL.  Agent configuration is needed to allow access to unprotected URLs. You would still be unauthorized after a successful authentication. You need to define policy to create the proper authorization rules to grant access. All is denied unless authorized by policy.

Lets start by creating an authorization policy first. 

Login to OpenAM console. Click the Access Control tab, then in the realms table click on “/ (Top Level Realm)

Realm Properties screen:

Next, click on the policies tab. 

Select the iPlanetAMWebAgentService. This is not a policy specific for apache or iPlanet based web servers. Its just a generic name created by default. You can rename it to anything you want. It is only a policy container object. Like a realm name within SiteMinder. 

Once you have selected the Application, click on Add New Policy.

Step1 - Give it a name

Step2 - Specify the URL resource being protected. Click on the pattern that best represents the URL pattern. Then update the variables to represent your specific app URL. Don’t forget to click on the + to add it to the resources table. Click Next

Step3 - Select Actions such as Get and Post. Click Next. 

Step4 - Define Subject Conditions. For our example, click on Subject condition and from the Type drop down, select Authenticated Users. Select the Grey box and drag it up to the “AND” table. Click on Next. 

Step5 - Define Environmental Conditions. We can skip for this exercise but review this section for the many options you have. Click Next to proceed. 

Step6 - Specify Response Attributes. This defines all the response attributes that the policy allows based on a successful decision. The agents can then be configured to select which of the allowed attributes it actually passes to the application. While not needed for this exercise, click on the Subject attributes and a drop down of all ldap attributes will be shown. Click on any attributes you wish to use. Click Next to continue. 

Step7 - Review and click on Finish to complete the policy.

And done!

Click on OpenAM Console link on the top right hand corner.

Next, let’s create a web policy agent profile.

If not already there, go to Access Control-> / (Top Realm) and click on the Agents tab. Click on New. 

Name: IISAppAgent
Password: Select a password for agent communication
Configuration: Keep the default, Centralized
Server URL: The URL of the OpenAM server, as an example,
Agent URL: The URL of the IIS server,

Click on Create.

Back at the Web Tab, the new IISAppAgent is listed.

Next, let’s configure the new agent profile

Click on your new agent. Click on the Application Tab. Under “Not Enforced URLs, enter a new value for the landing page of your sample app. In this case i can enter the FQDN to my index.html file and every other file i have at that directory level that I don’t want protected, or use wildcards. Since i also have a logout.html files i will use later, i will add *.html as the files to be ignored at that directory level. Make sure you select Enabled and Save. 

Next click on the OpenAM Services Tab. Scroll down to the Agent Logout URL. This is like the SiteMinder ACO setting for LogoffURI. Enter the URL to your logout page. This will kill the OpenAM session when invoked. 

Make sure you click on Save. 

Next, let’s configure your authentication source. 

When we first installed OpenAM, we defined a policy configuration LDAP instance as well as an user LDAP. the amadmin user exists within the policy configuration LDAP instance. This can be modified to disable this root account and promote unique users as OpenAM administrators. For this exercise, i am leaving the default root user. However, we want to leverage existing users in our user LDAP instance. The plan will be to continue to use the config ldap repository for administrative tasks (allowing us to login with amadmin), but have the realm authenticate against the user LDAP for authentication and authorization of our integrated apps. 

Authentication Chaining

Authentication Chaining allows us to stack various authentication modules and define rules around how they are used: required, optional, requisite, or sufficient. These are based on the JAAS standard. As described by the OpenAM documentation:

When a required module fails, the rest of the chain is processed, but the authentication fails.
A required module might be used for login with email and password, but then fall through to another module to handle new users who have not yet signed up.
When an optional module fails, authentication continues.
An optional module might be used to permit a higher level of access if the user can present a X.509 certificate for example.
When a requisite module fails, authentication fails and authentication processing stops.
A requisite module might be used with exclusive SSO.
When a sufficient succeeds, authentication is successful and later modules in the chain are skipped.
You could set Windows Desktop SSO as sufficient, so authenticated Windows users are let through, whereas web users have to traverse another authentication module such as one requiring an email address and a password.

By default, one Authentication Chain is created. It only points to the internal config LDAP instance. The task will be to create a new Authentication Chain used by the user LDAP instance. Once created, the User LDAP chain will be used for authentication and the config LDAP will be only for Admin access. 

The default chain is called ldapservice. For personal preferences I updated this one to use the User LDAP and created a new one called datastoreService for the config LDAP. 

From the main OpenAM console, click on Access Control Tab, then click on the / (Top Level Realm). Click on the Authentication tab and scroll down to Authentication Chaining.
Click on  ldapService

Click Add and from drop down select LDAP. Under Criteria, select REQUIRED. Select the DataStore and Remove. 

Click Save and Back to Authentication.
Why Select LDAP? If you go back and look at the Module Instances, and select LDAP, you will see it is configured against the User LDAP instance configured at the time of OpenAM installation. You can add as many Modules as needed and add as many to Authentication Chains. 

Back to the Authentication Chaining section, click on New. Enter the name of your new Authentication Chain, in my example, datastoreService.

Click on OK.  You will be taken to the Properties Screen. Click ADD and select DataStore. Under Criteria select REQUIRED. 

Click Save and Back to Authentication. 

Next we assign the Authentication Chains properly. Under Core services, there are two drop down options. One is for Organization Authentication Configuration and the other is for Administrator Authentication Configuration. The Organization Authentication Configuration services when users access /openam/UI/Login. This is the default Authentication Chain for users.  The Administrator Authentication Configuration serves when users access /openam/console. This is the default Authentication Chain for administrators. 

Select the appropriate chain from the drop down for each. 

Click on Save and Back to Access Control.

If you try to login as an admin to http://:8080/openam you will get an user/password error. This will be expecting the Organizational Authentication Chain. To login to the admin console, you need to start using http://:8080/openam/console. 

Next step is to install the agent on IIS. 

If you haven’t already, download the IIS agent.

Create a temporary password file. c:\pwd.txt. It should contain the agent password previously created. Make sure you delete this file when done registering the agent. 

Stop IIS instance. “iisreset /stop” Expand the web agent zip file, for example, i have mine at c:\web_agent. 
Make sure IIS has all Application Development services installed before you start install. Details can be found here:

Start the install process:
c:\> cd web_agents\iis_agent\bin
c:\web_agents\iis_agent\bin> agentadmin.exe --i --acceptLicence

Enter the Site ID from the located IIS instances.
Enter 1 for DEFAULT WEB SITE in our sample case.

You will see an error next on ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll missing. This is only needed if you are running IIS secure. For this sample, we are running HTTP. 

Just click on enter as this is a fresh install with no existing properties file. If you had one created already, it can be used for any additional web server agent installs. 
To set properties from an existing configuration enter path to file
[ q or 'ctrl+c' to exit, return to ignore ]
Existing file:

 Next enter the URL to the OpenAM policy server
Enter the URL where the OpenAM server is running. Please include the
deployment URI also as shown below:
[ q or 'ctrl+c' to exit ]

Next enter the URL to the IIS
Enter the Agent URL as shown below:
[ q or 'ctrl+c' to exit ]
Agent profile name is the same as the one created on the policy server. In my example, IISAppAgent.
Enter the Agent profile name
[ q or 'ctrl+c' to exit ]
Agent Profile name: IISAppAgent

Next enter the realm for which this agent will service. For our sample, we left it at “/ (Top Level Realm)
Enter the Agent realm/organization
[ q or 'ctrl+c' to exit ]
Agent realm/organization name: [/]: /

Finally, enter the path to the temporary password file. 
Enter the path to a file that contains the password to be used
for identifying the Agent
[ q or 'ctrl+c' to exit ]
The path to the password file: c:\pwd.txt

Confirm the parameters and enter ‘yes’ and enter to proceed. 
Installation parameters:

   Agent URL:
   Agent Profile name: IISAppAgent
   Agent realm/organization name: /
   Agent Profile password source: c:\pwd.txt

Confirm configuration (yes/no): [no]: yes
Validating... Success.
Cleaning up validation data...
Creating configuration...
Installation complete.

Restart IIS

Final Step - Testing

If you don’t already have a browser inspector plugin, i’d recommend you download Fiddler Web Debugger for windows. 

Now go to your landing page. My index.html page is extremely simple. 

Click on “Members Login” and it sends you to 
You should be re-directed to the OpenAM Login screen. Similar to SiteMinder the URL will include the redirect parameters to the target URL.

Login with any valid LDAP user. The authorization policy was defined as “Any Authenticated User”. 

Using Fiddler or any other web tracer, look for the OpenAM Session cookie. It is called iPlanetDirectoryPro. This cookie contains the OpenAM Session Token. It is the equivalent to SiteMinders SMSESSION. 

This Fiddler snippet is from OpenAM initiating the authenticate call. Notice POST URL of /openam/json/authenticate. 

Now the next step is the successful authentication and establishment of a session cookie. Notice the POST URL /openam/json/users?_action=idFromSession

There are additional steps you view on fiddler, however you will see the redirect to /app which is our target URL. 

The next step is to now logout and invalidate the session. Recall we configured the agent to look for /logout.html as a trigger to kill the session. By clicking on the logout link and following on fiddler, we can see the logout flow:
Notice the POST URL with an action of logout for the session.*AAJTSQACMDEAAlNLABQtMzI5ODAyMDQ4NDk5NzM2NjQ4Mg..*?_action=logout

The session is invalidated and we are redirected to a logout screen.

Following Fiddler, you should not see the iplanetdirectorypro session anymore. 

Easy enough? This concludes the basics on setting up OpenAM from the point of view of an old SiteMinder Admin. In the future i will continue to use this platform to show how configure additional features such as Advanced Authentication, Federation, using REST, and more; all from this same deployment without the need of additional OpenAM components. 

Ok, so feel free to now try it for yourself. Download the software at and discover the differences and simplicity of the ForgeRock platform.

Monday, December 21, 2015

CA SiteMinder Admins Guide to ForgeRock OpenAM: Part 3- Install and configure OpenAM

Recently I joined ForgeRock as a senior consultant. After almost 15 years in the ops and integration world, working with SiteMinder, a bunch of peers have been asking me how SiteMinder compares to OpenAM and how they differ. So, now as a fully biased ForgeRock employee, I am documenting the process of translating that SiteMinder suite knowledge into OpenAM.

In a series of blogs I will describe OpenAM from the viewpoint of a SiteMinder Admin, mainly myself, learning the similarities and differences as one with such background wishes to quickly come up to speed with ForgeRock’s OpenAM platform. The scope will not be to compare point by point every single feature of SiteMinder and OpenAM, but will be an introduction to OpenAM by deployment and integration of a sample app. 

Part 3 - The Basics - Installing OpenAM

Instructions can be found here for linux based install: 

Prerequisites: Apache or IIS, Tomcat App server, and JDK 7 or higher.
If using Apache, download from here:
Download Tomcat from here:
Download the OpenAM war file from here:
Download the OpenAM Web Policy Agent from here:

For  this example i will setup on Windows since Linux is fully documented. I’ll be using IIS instead of apache. 
After installing JDK, install tomcat. For windows, it would be recommended to install the 64-bit Windows Service Installer. This simplifies the start/stop via services. 

After installing Tomcat, update some Java settings. From start menu->Apache Tomcat 7.0 Tomcat7->Configure Tomcat

Click on the Java tab. Update the Options section by adding -XX:MaxPermSize=256m. Next update the Maximum memory pool to 2048. 

Start Tomcat to validate the app server is working. Once confirmed, shutdown tomcat to deploy OpenAM.

Take the downloaded OpenAM-12.0.0.war and copy it to \Tomcat7.0\webapps\. Rename the file to open.war. 
Start Tomcat. Once the war file is deployed and tomcat fully started, browse to where it is deployed in tomcat. In my example, its

Click on Create New Configuration. Agree to License and continue.

Step1 - enter a password for amAdmin, the root account for OpenAM.

Step2 - Server Settings. I like to change the Configuration Directory by adding “cfg” for config at the end of the folder name. On Linux, i don’t like having it on /home// but instead prefer to have it on some dedicated file system similar to where tomcat is deployed. 

Step3 - Configuration Data Store Settings. This is an ldap instance that is created and used to store the OpenAM configurations. Default settings are fine. 

Step4 - User Data Store. This is your LDAP instance which contains your users. 

Step5 - Site Configuration. Since this is just a single node lab setup, this can be skipped. 

Step6 - Default Policy Agent User. Set password for the default Policy Agent. This is similar to the ‘hostadmin’ account on SiteMinder. It is used for not just registration of the agent but also on-going communication. 

Step7. Summary of configurations. Click on Create Configuration to complete install. 

Once complete, proceed to login screen and login.


Now On to Part 4 to install the agent. 

CA SiteMinder Admins Guide to ForgeRock OpenAM: Part 2- Policy Architecture

Recently I joined ForgeRock as a senior consultant. After almost 15 years in the ops and integration world, working with SiteMinder, a bunch of peers have been asking me how SiteMinder compares to OpenAM and how they differ. So, now as a fully biased ForgeRock employee, I am documenting the process of translating that SiteMinder suite knowledge into OpenAM.

In a series of blogs I will describe OpenAM from the viewpoint of a SiteMinder Admin, mainly myself, learning the similarities and differences as one with such background wishes to quickly come up to speed with ForgeRock’s OpenAM platform. The scope will not be to compare point by point every single feature of SiteMinder and OpenAM, but will be an introduction to OpenAM by deployment and integration of a sample app. 

Part 2 - The Basics - Policy Overview and differences

In essence, all access policies are defined with some of following components:
A Tenant boundary,
A target user data source,
A defined enforcement point (or agent),
A protected resource
An authentication mechanism
A Response post authentication
A Policy access rules

Biggest learning curve for SiteMinder Admins to understand OpenAM is the the differences in how you create policies. The steps might be similar but it comes down to the flow and terminology of what you are used to in SiteMinder versus OpenAM. 

For reference, this is how the dependancies of the SiteMinder objects can be mapped out. 
When integrating a new application into SiteMinder, there is a usual process I follow. It based on the dependancies tower. Each step in the configuration will need a previous step as a prerequisite. These are the minimal logical access policy requirements. 

For SiteMinder, a typical process follows as:
1) create Agent Object
2) create ACO which references the Agent object
3) install and configure agent on web server
4) create User Directory (UD) configuration object 
5) create domain object (Tenant boundary) which references UD object
6) create realm under the domain object and associate with Agent and define a resource filter and authentication scheme. 
7) create rules for the realm (such as get/put, On authentication, authorization, or rejection actions)
8) create responses
9) create policies that tie the UD and rules and responses

While not encompassing of all capabilities and possible integration scenarios, these are typical steps requires to integrate with a basic application. 

For reference, this is how the dependancies of the OpenAM objects can be mapped out. 

When integrating a new application into OpenAM, there is a usual process as well. These are the minimal logical access policy requirements. 

For OpenAM, a typical process follows as:

1) create realm (Tenant boundary)
2) configure DataStore
3) configure Authentication chaining
4) Create a Policy (target resource, actions, subjects which reference the datastore, env conditions and response attributes)
5) create a web agent profile
6) install and configure agent on web server

Next Steps - doing a basic install and configuration. 

Try it for yourself. Download the software at and discover the differences and simplicity of the ForgeRock platform.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

CA SiteMinder Admins Guide to ForgeRock OpenAM: Part 1- Infrastructure Architecture 

Recently I joined ForgeRock as a senior consultant. After almost 15 years in the ops and integration world, working with SiteMinder, a bunch of peers have been asking me how SiteMinder compares to OpenAM and how they differ. So, now as a fully biased ForgeRock employee, I am documenting the process of translating that SiteMinder suite knowledge into OpenAM.

In a series of blogs I will describe OpenAM from the viewpoint of a SiteMinder Admin, mainly myself, learning the similarities and differences as one with such background wishes to quickly come up to speed with ForgeRock’s OpenAM platform. The scope will not be to compare point by point every single feature of SiteMinder and OpenAM, but will be an introduction to OpenAM by deployment and integration of a sample app. 

The Basics - Infrastructure Overview and differences

SiteMinder: SiteMinder requires a JDK for installation and an ldap instance to configure as the policy store. In addition, a separate install of an app server (like tomcat) and deployment of the SiteMinder UI is needed. It is then configured against the SiteMinder Policy server in order to manage the environment.

OpenAM: OpenAM requires a Java Application server, like tomcat, to deploy the openAM.war file. In addition, an ldap instance is used as a configuration policy store. 

One key difference of the OpenAM platform will be the amount of built-in services that are available. Not, integrated, but core service capabilities of the OpenAM product. For example, if you require federation services, it is an additional installation of a servlet or app server, and a session DB or CA Directory for SiteMinder to offer the capability.

If you also require Advanced Authentication and a Risk engine with OTP features, SiteMinder requires the addition of the CA Strong Authentication (Arcot) components. This requires 3 installations, StrongAuth, RiskAuth, and a customized adapter deployed on a java app server. An Oracle or MS SQL DB is also required for user registration and profile information. 

Finally, if you need to expose these services via a REST interface, none of the components offer this natively. CA Strong Auth exposes its services via WSDLs. In order to abstract all these services through a REST interface, you can deploy a CA Layer7 soft appliance. It is an API gateway that allows you to expose SiteMinder authentication via an embedded agent on the gateway. You can also translate the Strong Auth WSDLs as REST endpoints.  Layer7 can be deployed as a hardware or soft appliance as well as built on your own platform. It is made up of a web app deployed on tomcat with a MYSQL embedded DB.

This diagram illustrates the problem with acquisition architecture. Your infrastructure sprawl get big quickly. With no redundancy, you are already looking at a sizable footprint of VMs, DBs, and App Servers; not to mention the firewall rules and VIPs you will need as part of the inter-component communications. I deployed this in my previous position. You quickly get into scalability and APM issues.

By comparison, OpenAM is a single deployed war file that contains all of these services and all accessible via RESTful interface. 

Try it for yourself. Download the software at and discover the differences and simplicity of the ForgeRock platform.